Overcoming Tech Hurdles and Embracing Solitude: A Personal Update

Overcoming Tech Hurdles and Embracing Solitude: A Personal Update

Hello everyone,

It’s so late, and I honestly can’t tell if it’s early in the AM or late into the night. Just a quick post to let you all know I am alive and well. Not much has been happening lately, but one of my computers is offline until I can get it repaired. It seems the AIO cooler bit the dust. It’s always great when that happens, right? The replacement is a bit pricey, but it’s necessary to bring it back online. Hopefully, it’ll be up and running in a few days with the help of a very good friend.

In the meantime, I need to clone my main drives and game drives. I’m planning to move everything over to a Samsung 990 Evo, which will give me roughly 4TB of storage—2TB for the OS drive and 2TB for the game drive. I attempted that upgrade in one of my machines, and though the cloned drive worked, the AIO cooler decided it was time to give up. However, it did boot and function, so I’m hopeful to have everything sorted out by Sunday.

Work is going well with no real issues. There were a few misunderstandings with colleagues, but that’s just part of life. Despite the occasional clash, I still enjoy my job and appreciate my coworkers. They are good people who genuinely want to make positive changes.

As for my dating life? Well, there’s nothing to report. At 49, gay, and not having the best body, my options are limited. I’m certainly not anyone’s first pick—probably not even the last choice. But it’s okay; I’ve grown accustomed to being alone.

That’s all for now! I hope everyone has a good day and night. Good morning, good afternoon, and if I don’t see you, good night.



1 Comment

  1. Connie

    Great update. Hope your computer gets fixed soon. Keep doing you and the right one will come along. Love you. ♥️♥️♥️

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