It’s Been A Few Months

It’s Been A Few Months

Hope you all are doing well. Not much has been happening here—just working and living life. Things are good right now, and I hope it stays that way. As I’ve mentioned before, I really need a break from stress and worry. While things have improved, I still get overwhelmed with anxiety, which can be incapacitating. There’s not much going on, making it hard to find something to chat about, but I can ramble until something comes to mind.

Some people who claim to be friends seem dishonest and not genuine, trying to take advantage of me. I cannot and will not allow that. I have to draw the line. This issue is hard to talk about, but I won’t let anyone take advantage of me. I don’t do that to others, and I don’t expect friends to do that to me. It just means I’ll have to do certain things on my own without any assistance.

Work has been going well, and I hope that doesn’t change. I like what I do and most of my co-workers. I really don’t want anything stressful to happen. As I’ve said before, I just need a break for a while.

My current lease is up in October, and I’m waiting on my renewal. I got it last year in June, but this year it’s July and I’m still waiting. I hope it arrives soon so I can budget past October. I like where I live; the place is nice and everything I need is super close. Waiting on my renewal is stressing me out a little. I hope it comes soon so I can feel secure in having a place to stay for another year.

Also, it’s important to look up Project 2025 on Google. Read about what they want to do; it’s a dangerous group aiming to gut the government and be led by a dictator. It’s time to show support for Biden. You can follow me on my Facebook page, Blue Wave Advocate. Let’s win this and send the convicted felon packing.

Thanks for the support, Jackamus


  1. Connie Knight

    Sounds like you are in a good place. Hopefully you will get the renewal soon. Keep chugging along kiddo. Love you. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

  2. I intend to stay here for another year, provided they renew my lease. I can’t think of a reason they wouldn’t, but it still makes me anxious.

  3. Bryon

    I, on the other hand, have to find a new apartment. I’ve only been in this one since November, but I have a new job in a new town, and a two-hour commute is not OK. Still, I might stay till November just so I can vote in a swing state.

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